Fear is a primary motivator perhaps even the primary motivator.
So it is fair for an accountant or CPA to use it to motivate clients and shape behavior?
In the past I have seen posts and communications from other accountants that have used that to convince clients to take certain or action or perhaps become a client. Usually I find it offensive to try to scare someone into doing something they would not do otherwise if the fear is overstated. However if the fear is likely and not being exagerated then it may have it's place.
At the same time it seems clear to me that stress hurts people. So why increase the stress levels when the same can be accomplished in a calm and serene manner.
My toll free number just got succesfully ported so it working again. The number is (866) 559-6434 - please feel free to give me a call. In fact if I do not pick up ( considering the time of the year I may be busy ) leave a message and my virtual assistant Heather will relay the message and we will get back to you promptly even during busy season.